Thursday 8 November 2018



1. DATA ENCODING – In this the alphanumeric characters will be translated into the form that can be read by machine.

2. MACHINE SCANNING – The machine scanner reads the encoded data and converts the data into electric signals.

3. DATA DECODING – The electrical signals will be transformed into digital data which later converted into alphanumeric characters
              Bar codes
                  Barcode are classified into three categories:-
                  a)  Linear, 2-D and 3-D,
                  b)  Optical character recognition,

                  c)  Machine vision

a) (i)    Linear Or One-Dimensional Barcode Symbologies 
           such as barcode consist of small images of lines (bars) and spaces affixed to retail store items, ID cards and postal mail to identify a particular product number, person or location. 
  a)(ii)      Matrix or two-dimensional barcode symbologies                                         store information in a pattern of black and white squares or dots. 2D symbols can store considerably more information in smaller spaces than linear barcodes. 2D barcode store information not only horizontally, as one-dimensional barcodes do, but vertically as well. That construction enables 2D codes to store up to 7,089 characters. The traditional, unidimensional barcode has a 20-character capacity.
 a) (iii)      3RD DIMENSION BARCODE                                                                            3D barcodes use the same basic principle as linear and 2D barcodes. An image of some sort is applied to a product and then read by a device to log, categorize, inventory, or track an individual product. The 3D barcode is engraved or applied to the product itself as a part of the manufacturing process. The bars are not read by variances in reflected light as with linear barcodes but by determining the height of each line. The time it takes the laser to bounce back and be recorded determines the height as a function of distance and time and the character represented by the code can be interpreted.

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